WP Etagenbackofen MATADOR MDV

Multi-deck oven

The maxi version

The MATADOR® MDV is an ideal production oven for use with semi- and fully automatic loading and automation systems. It can be equipped with baking areas from 12 to 52 m². The deck oven has special stone baking plates and, thanks to ZYKLOTHERM® technology, can convince with a particularly uniform baking result reproducible at all times.

Kaiserbrötchen backen mit dem Etagenbackofen MATADOR Brot mit perfekter Kruste backen mit dem Etagenbackofen MATADOR Schnittbrötchen backen mit dem Etagenbackofen MATADOR Baguette backen mit dem Etagenbackofen MATADOR

Best baking quality –
day-in, day-out

Admittedly, man does not live of bread alone. But without bread nutrition for us is hard to imagine. Today, not only the creative combination of tradition and innovation results in new and popular baking products. At the same time, the steady advance of globalization ensures an exciting and boundless exchange of recipes for success.

Consumers enjoy quality, variety and freshness. More than ever before. Very seldom it is pure hunger but rather spontaneous enjoyment that makes the decision at the counter for or against product success. You as a baker make a significant contribution to this development. Because you are trusted and offer reliability. By treasuring you own recipes and by your openness towards new products. Meeting HIGHEST DEMANDS every day is indispensible for both.

With the deck ovens of the MATADOR series, you will be perfectly equipped for decades. Our MATADOR® deck oven is a guarantee of quality and a legend. Bakers all over the world trust this oven technology.

Deck oven variants

The MATADOR® is a classic deck oven and can be equipped with baking areas from 8 to 52 m². The versions have special baking stones and can convince with a particularly uniform baking result reproducible at all times.


The basic version
baking area: 8.0 – 19.0 m²
heated by: oil/gas/electric
(convertible with electric heating cartridge)
loading: manually



The e-version
baking area: 11.5 – 17.28 m²
heated by: direct electrical
loading: manually



The maxi version
baking area: 12 – 52 m²
heated by: oil/gas/electric
loading: automatable



Guaranteed MATADOR® baking quality
What benefits does the MATADOR MDV variant offer?

Guaranteed baking quality

MATADOR quality

Optimized workflow
through automation

Reduction of physical
strain, automatable and
controllable processes

Perfect steam

powerful steam pipe system
in the burner chamber,
steam distribution system,
steam vacuum system,
forced steam extraction

High temperature

With burner on
the rear of the oven

High ovens

WP NAVIGO 3 oven control –
Think tank with explicit cost saving function!

Traditional baking in the MATADOR® can be continuously perfected using the latest control technology. This means in practice: our WP NAVIGO 3 control system in the current MATADOR® Generation provides optimum conditions for baking results beyond comparison. In particular in combination with the previously described ZYKLOTHERM® technology as well as the highly effective all around stone lining.

Deck oven WP MATADOR with WP NAVIGO 3 oven control

Digital production management WP BAKERY CONTROL
Quality through transparency

The central software for your bakery, suitable for all WP baking ovens (plug & play installation), storage, display and export of oven, recipe and production data.

  • Efficient utilization of the ovens
  • Reduction of idle time
  • Optimization of baking sequence
  • Noticeable gains in freshness
  • User and rights administration
  • Available on all devices with internet connection
  • Personalized recipe management
  • A 360° view of your baking processes

WP BAKERY CONTROL – the digital production management for monitoring, control, facilitated recipe entry and transparency

Networking ovens with WP BAKERY CONTROL: Control centre with beneficial automation for supervision, control and easier recipe entering.


Loading and unloading of deck ovens
Whether manual, semi-automatic or fully automatic - everything is possible!

Loading systems facilitate and accelerate the loading and unloading of deck ovens throughout the work process. The fully automatic OBER PRO II loading system takes care of loading the dough pieces and curing the finished baked goods at the end of the baking time.

WP deck ovens MATADOR and automation

The semi-automatic PAGE and STEWARD loading systems increase the efficiency of the baking process. The manual solution JACK reduces the workload for employees during loading and unloading.

Loading systems

In daily use at bakeries
WP deck ovens with loading systems


Loading system for WP MATADOR deck ovens at the Thollembeek bakery

Oven system MATADOR MDV + PAGE

Semi-automatic loading of three WP MATADOR ovens at the Balletshofer bakery


Robert Reiner, bakery manager at Schwarz Bakery about loading MATADOR deck ovens with OBER PRO


Fully automatic industrial WP MATADOR deck oven line for baguette production in France


Heat recovery from ovens for hot water supply in the Frühmorgen bakery

The optimum energy-efficient heat recovery system for bakeries
Check & analysis – We will work with you to plan

Would you like to optimize your existing oven system or replace your outdated one? The WP RETHERM heat recovery system powered by Ganzenmüller can be can be newly planned or retrofitted to existing oven systems comprising MATADOR deck ovens.

WP RETHERM heat recovery powered by Ganzenmüller in action

The WP RETHERM heat recovery system powered by Ganzenmüller optimizes your oven system’s energy costs. The overall solution consists of smooth tube heat exchanger, control unit, storage tank, fresh air supply, flue and the connection to your heating and hot water installations.


Product sheets
Further technical data can be found here

Data sheet




Service and support
We make sure that your production lines run.


Our goal - reduce machine downtime and make them predictable through proactive maintenance.


Faults can build up or just happen, no matter what precautions have been taken. When they do, it is vital to initiate and implement the necessary measures as soon as possible to let your lines run again.


The WP SERVICELINE 24 is our guaranteed connection to the WP SERVICE and outside our opening hours  to our emergency service:
Deutschland: +49 800 5 777 123
International: +49 1805 777 123
E-Mail: serviceline@@wpbakeryservice.de


Contact us
Any questions? We take care.
+49 9851 905-0

WPL Products 2024

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