Fully automatic loading system

Fully automatic loading and automation
system for production ovens
Unloading and loading with the OBER PRO II
  • Flexible product range
  • 100 % reproducibility
  • Energy efficiency through optimal fully automatic process control

Increased productivity through optimum oven utilization

The OBER PRO II is a fully automatic charging and automation system for production ovens. The modular design is possible for up to 8 production ovens. The entire plant can be controlled centrally.


1. Discharging:

Table and conveyor belt solutions with integrated spraying station

2. Automatic charging:

  • Portal
  • Wing system
  • Automatic transfer from continuous final proofing cabinets
  • Rationalization, one-man operation possible
  • Consistently high product quality
  • Automatic recording of production data

3. Control:

  • Control panel with touch display for the entire plant
  • Central control system for entire plant
  • Networking via WP BakeryControl and REMOTE DIAGNOSIS possible
  • Fully automatic optimization of the oven availability
  • Baking and re-baking with without manual intervention

4. Manual charging:

  • Cross setter
  • Velcro table
  • Product-specific solutions possible

5. Prebaking oven – MATADOR® MDV:

  • All around interior baking stone lining
  • High baking chambers
  • Extremely high temperatures up to 350 °C
  • Storage heat of the stones allows baking with decreasing temperature
  • Artisanal top quality as in a wood-fired oven

6. MATADOR® MDV ovens:

  • Up to 8 MATADOR® MDV deck ovens possible
  • Deck oven depth 2,000 to 2,400mm
  • Deck oven width 1,200 and 1,800mm
  • Burner on the back of the oven
  • Oven maintenance from the rear during operation of the entire OBER plant
  • MATADOR® baking result guaranteed
  • Energy-efficient thanks to ZYKLOTHERM® heating system

7. Loader:

  • Free-standing on wheels
  • Retrieval of 100 % correct position
  • Lifting column in the "elevator system" with counterweights
  • Low-wear since there is no additional load on the mechanical parts
  • Maximum speed
  • Production reliability
  • Energy efficiency

Performance, maximum benefits and modular options

  1. Product quality:
    • Artisanal top quality with proven WP ZYKLOTHERM® baking stone oven technology
    • Flexible product range, 100% reproducibility
  2. Performance:
    • Integrated intelligent control system for loading and unloading processes
    • Rationalization and reduced workload by eliminating heavy physical work
    • Production reliability through WP BakeryControl and REMOTE DIAGNOSIS as well as BlueValue
  3. Energy efficiency:
    • Energy efficiency through optimal fully automatic process control

Output volume

over 800 kg dough/hour

Selectable ovens/decks

up to 8/48

Operable baking area

200 m2

Traversing speed

vertical 1.1 m/sec
horizontal 0.13 to 1.8 m/sec

Loading speed

0.5 m/sec

Emptying speed

0.39 m/sec

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Data sheet




Flexible product range and 100% reproducibility

Slit rolls

Square rolls

Raisin rolls

Longmoulded rolls



Tin loafs

Soft wheat dough breads

Large Roggenriese rye breads

Fully automatic loading and automation system OBER PRO II und MATADOR

WPL-Etagenbackofen MATADOR und OBER PRO

55: wpl (neutraler Header)

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