WP Service24

Immediate support in case of faults and machine downtime at any time—worldwide!

Rapid repairs to prevent production downtime

Sometimes it happens—damage is building up or has already occurred. Now it is a matter of initiating and implementing the necessary measures as quickly as possible. In any case, we have prepared ourselves with our customers in mind; we rely on our own service support centers or engage service partners who are certified according to our requirement profiles. Worldwide! Our customers are always provided with rapid and competent assistance from technicians trained at our plant. Our goal: to eliminate system downtimes quickly and successfully.


  • 24/7 availability
  • 100% availability together with an emergency service outside of office hours
  • Recording of the request and forwarding to the specialist
  • Categorization: downtime, problem analysis, request
  • Remote diagnosis and, if necessary, troubleshooting
  • Technician visits and spare parts dispatch

Service technicians

  • Continuously trained at the plant
  • Many years of practical experience
  • Nationwide throughout Germany and Austria

Remote service

  • Remote monitoring by our experts
  • Rapid troubleshooting
  • System downtimes reduced to a minimum
  • Reduced technician visits

Factory spare parts

  • More than 20,000 parts in stock
  • 100% machine-compatible
  • Spare parts guarantee
  • A wide variety of different wear and spare parts are brought along in our service vehicles

Spare parts


WP BAKERY TECHNOLOGIES partners worldwide

Over 50 strong partners worldwide.

Partners worldwide



+49 800 5 777 123


+49 180 5 777 123


+43 13 66 01 21




WP service in Germany and Austria

  • Nationwide presence, quickly on site
  • 41 service technicians trained at the plant
  • 30 service support centers in Germany
  • Additionally: certified service partners
  • Specialized know-how in support
  • Original spare parts guaranteed

Our sales representative will gladly answer your questions.


+49 800 5 777 123


+49 180 5 777 123


+43 13 66 01 21

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